Category : Recipes

Recipe: Peach-Banana Smoothie Popsicles

Banana Peach Smoothie
Photo courtesy: Sarah of offbeat and inspired

Summer is in full effect, and one way to beat the heat is with a tasty, cold treat. Featuring two fruits and non-fat Greek yogurt, these popsicles provide plenty of protein, potassium and good sugar to keep you satiated and full of energy. Try one as a snack, or as a refreshing on-the-go breakfast. (more…)

Recipe: Banana Foster Parfait

Photo courtesy: John Autry of Cooking Light

Last week we provided you with a simple, fun recipe to make with the kids during your Fourth of July or other summer barbecues. We would like to share a treat just for you that is fast, easy and a good nutritious breakfast. The Banana Foster Parfait has just enough potassium and protein to get you energized for your day. If you are always on the go, then this recipe can be prepared and stored in the fridge to accommodate your busy schedule. (more…)

Eat More Bananas with these 10 Recipes


GROW organic bananas have always been the perfect ingredient. Here are some of our favorites to keep you and your kids happy, healthy and feeling good. Feel free to share these with friends and families. Send us your images of dishes you’ve created using  #GROWmonth and we will share them with all our supporters! Have fun and enjoy these tasty treats! (more…)