Monthly Archives: August 2010

GROW Story: Dalia

GROW gives young people in the banana growing region of Mexico the opportunity to continue their studies in order to achieve their goals. Thanks to GROW, bright young students in Colima are given the chance to follow their dreams and make a new life for themselves and their families. Here is Dalia’s story:

“My name is Dalia. I was born and raised in Cerro de Ortega, Colima. I studied in its small schools where I enjoyed every moment of academic enrichment. I am part of a big family; I am the youngest of one brother and five sisters.

When I started high school my parents talked to me about making sure I always tried my best in school because from then on they would have to make major sacrifices in order to give me the opportunity to keep studying. Fortunately during that time I found GROW, which along with Project Amigo gave me the opportunity not only to finish high school but also to go to college. Today I am studying in the School of Foreign Languages to be an interpreter thanks to the help and encouragement that GROW has given me. I truly consider them part of my family because I have shared three and a half years of happiness and effort with them.

Thanks always to the GROW Foundation and Project Amigo”

Help GROW kids like Dalia stay in school by buying GROW bananas!

GROW – Where does the money go?

While we talk about young people whose lives have been profoundly affected by the assistance they have received from GROW, the question sometimes arises on how the funds break down. How much is going toward scholarships, how much to medical programs, and is there an administrative component? All of those are a part of the GROW funds, with scholarships for junior high, high school, and university students getting by far the greatest amount of funding. These newly educated young people are the future for our communities and families in Mexico and Ecuador, and education will make the future much brighter. We thought this chart that gives a visual breakdown would be of interest.

Going Bananas with Back to School

As the summer winds down and you prepare your little ones for a new school year, the inevitable school lunch planning begins. Although kids may want the salty snacks and sugary sweets, make sure you pack foods with nutritional value that will fuel them throughout the day. GROW bananas are a perfectly convenient snack that provide a great source of energy and essential nutrients. Easy to transport, the protective peel will keep them fresh and tasty, no matter when they are consumed.

Adding GROW bananas to your child’s lunchbox, is not only good for them but good for others. A portion of every box of GROW bananas sold helps banana worker’s children live better lives through a surcharge that goes directly to the GROW Fund. The GROW Fund provides scholarships, dental and vision programs, housing and educational support for the workers and their families in Colima, Mexico and Ecuador, where GROW bananas are grown.

They’re tasty, healthy and rewarding. That’s why GROW bananas are the perfect lunchbox companion.