Organics Unlimited gives disaster relief

mexico4What a tragic few weeks it has been for those affected by recent natural disasters. Everywhere we see the heartbreaking images of children left without homes, families without a means of support, friends disconnected from each other, possessions and in some instances, all means to care for oneself, gone.

At Organics Unlimited, we knew we had to help. In keeping with our mission of service and our commitment to assisting communities, Organics Unlimited has pledged to help those in Houston recovering from Hurricane Harvey, as well as those in Mexico affected by the two recent earthquakes.

In 2015, following a hurricane in Mexico, we decided to set aside a portion of GROW funds to be readily available in times of disaster. As we help these communities, we ask that if you would like to personally donate to these relief efforts as well, please visit the links below.


To give assistance for Hurricane Harvey, Houston:

To assist those in the Mexico City/Puebla/Morelos earthquake:
To assist those in the Oaxaca/Chiapas earthquake:

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