What is GROW and How Can You Participate?

GROW by Organics Unlimited

GROW is a program developed by Organics Unlimited that helps fund programs for farm workers and their families. Now is the perfect time to get involved because GROW Month is coming this September. Every year we ask our customers to spread awareness of GROW, hoping to reach out to more consumers.

Founded in 2005 on the principle of providing better opportunities for banana-growing communities, the GROW fund has helped thousands of families in Mexico and Ecuador through unique programs and services. Read more

Celebrate National Fresh Fruit and Veggie Month!

There is no better way to celebrate a healthy lifestyle than National Fresh Fruit and Veggie Month! This holiday provides opportunities to use fun and engaging strategies to inform your customers of the many benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables.

To celebrate this health conscious occasion, ensure that your produce displays stand out, providing awareness of the month. One way to get your customers excited is to highlight bananas for a few days or even a week. There are plenty of benefits, recipes, and fun ways to display bananas with point-of-purchase displays or demonstrations that relate to Fresh Fruit and Veggie month. Read more