Recipe: Banana Breakfast Smoothie

Recipe Banana Breakfast Smoothie

As the seasons change and the weather begins to get a little warmer, you’re going to want to get out and be more active. Start your day off write with this delicious and fulfilling Banana Breakfast Smoothie. It’s a simple way to start your morning off right with the perfect combination of vitamins and nutrients your body needs. Read more

Recipe: Banana-Chocolate Milk

Recipe Banana-Chocolate Milk

Chocolate milk is more than just a tasty delight for kids to have during dinner, it actually has some great health benefits. Add more benefits with the awesome power of bananas. This recipe for chocolate-banana milk is packed full of necessary vitamins and minerals and adds a fun flavor to a regular classic. Read more

Recipe: Blackberry, Peach and Banana Smoothie

Recipe Blackberry, Peach and Banana Smoothie

Many families this holiday season will make blackberry pies or peach cobblers for Thanksgiving dessert. With all of the starchy and thick foods that will be consumed, stay on track with your diet with this recipe for a blackberry, peach, and banana smoothie. It’s a great way to cut out the bad carbs and still enjoy a sweet ending to your Thanksgiving feast.

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