2014 Banana Bags Now Available

Take a look at #Pixar's first teaser for the highly anticipated journey through the mind, Inside Out

We are excited to share with you our newest banana bags for 2014.

The banana bags are a great way for retailers to increase banana sales and create an attractive visual to appeal to customers. This year we have included two fun recipes that are easy projects your customer can enjoy with their children.

The banana split bites recipe is a simple six-step process that is healthy and enjoyable to eat; the mini banana cream cookie pie recipe is an eight-step process that is fun and can be used at a children’s birthday party. Not only do the banana bags provide customers with creative recipes, but they also provide children with a fun coloring project.

Stick ripened bananas in the banana bags and display them in the produce section near GROW and Organics Unlimited labels. Customers will familiarize themselves with the cause and brand while you increase sales.

Don’t forget to put your order in by calling Organics Unlimited at 619.710.0658, and visit our merchandising website for more tips and tricks to get the most bank for your buck.